Clinical protocols
for rare disease patient care
RareCAP is a growing online repository of clinical protocols for the care of rare disease patients in a wide range of settings
What’s special about RareCAP?

Rare diseases are being discovered and characterized at an astounding rate. Little is known about some of these rare diseases. RareCAP is working to become a clearinghouse of treatment information.

How does RareCAP work?

Users can search the RareCAP database for a rare disease of interest, view and download protocols to address a specific patient need, and engage with the RareCAP community by commenting on protocols and responding to other user comments.

How can I contribute my expertise?

We encourage professionals with expertise in a rare disease to add their care management protocols to the platform. All new protocols are vetted by the RareCAP Curation Team before being published to the site. Email for more information.

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RareCAP was developed by VUMC in collaboration with Children’s National Hospital.
Supported by a grant from Takeda.
2525 West End Avenue
Suite 600
Nashville, TN 37203